Touring Lowry
Lowry 1 & Lowry 2
George Blood, research librarian with the Wings over the Rockies
Museum located at the former Lowry AFB, working with the Lowry
AFB Foundation, put together a tour plan for the areas known as
Lowry 1 and Lowry 2.
Select the tour plan of your choice, the tour will open in a new
browser window. The tour presentation, originally a PowerPoint
production, has been converted to a PDF file for compatibility with
HTML processes. Start at the top (1st slide), then scroll your way to
the bottom one slide at a time until you reach the last
slide…completing the tour.
You can either print the “Lowry 1” or “Lowry 2” maps individually to
use as references while you engage the “Tour,” or you can select the
browser tab in which each map appears upon selecting any of the
“Map” buttons below.
Last Updated: 20200415 06:15
Note: Selecting a tour will cause a large PDF file to download for display.
Depending upon your connectivity, this may take a minute or two. When
the file download is completed, you should be presented with a link to
open and view the file.
Driving Tour of Lowry 2
Walking Tour of Lowry 1